Thursday, May 23, 2013

Commission WIP

Working on a way overdue commission for a friend of mine. Her wolf character in her demon form, will make her look real mean once I start painting. I'm going to be recording this and uploading it to youtube, so stay tuned!

/Malin R.


  1. Nice sketch, that is one awesome looking wolf

    I was shocked how many people used Paint tool Sai on livestream, it was the first time I had even heard of the program. I tried it out a few months back, obviously it is not as good as photoshop but was pleasantly surprised how good it was for a lightweight program. Artrage is pretty nice as well which I am going to fire up as well again sometime.

    It is great that photoshop has improved dramatically in terms of painting, I have used it since the late 90's and boy is it awesome now :)

    Try out the mixer tool brush for colour blending in photoshop as it is a nice tool for colour blending.

    What program do you use to record you working Malin? I think I have camtasia, I need to see if it can do what I need it to. Always cool to see how people work.

    1. Also, some of my previous speed paints I have uploaded if you are curious.

    2. Just subscribed, I look forward to seeing future paintings. Love your detailed way of painting, very much different to my style, I think you would have a heart attack if you see me working, I literally slap paint around in hope it forms something good lol

    3. Hahah, thats what I want to be able to do, but I find myself being to much of a perfectionist; not being able to see the work behind the final piece. I'm still working on being more loose so that I can actually improve my skills x'D

  2. Thank you!

    Yeah, many like using pain Tool SAI, personally I have always used photoshop so SAI hasn't satisfied my needs at all. I will probably never be able to work in any other program except photoshop.

    The painting has become a lot better in this version, I like the brushes and all the fun things you can do, as well as the way it looks. I will probably stick to manually mixing my colors with the color picker, but I might look into it and see if its any good.

    I haven't found a good program yet, and I'm probably giving up on finding one. I just don't have the patience today.
    Get camtasia studio 8, its amazing, I had it on my PC. Beautiful clear recording and the editing program looks simple as well. Can't find the latest version for mac sadly, so I'm going to have to search for something else.

  3. Thanks I will check out Camtasia. I hope to make some speed videos in the future :)

    Keep on posting, great progress so far Malin. I am interested to see how you will colour it.

  4. Just curious, is there a story behind the picture in your main banner, the character riding a cow? lol it is such a cute drawing I always smile when i see it lol

    1. Haha, no, but it would be fun to make them into characters! Never thought of it like that before! :D

    2. Haha, definitely expand those characters as there is too much potential for awesome with them. It is screaming out for an awesome adventure of explosions, and perhaps hi fiving the hand of god whilst riding the cow into space.

      which would be deemed quite normal in most anime from Japan.

      Lol i was expecting some awesome crazy backstory, my dreams have been dashed hehe. Seriously it is such a fun picture XD

    3. Haha, I already have the first written page in my head and I have ideas for the first two comic pages, ugh, I hate when new ideas come to light. I may have to give my other comic ideas a rest since this one needs some love!

      Planning on writing the story today when I get back from walking my dog :D

      Thank you for giving me crazy ideas Mike! :D

      Also, I'm sorry for completely killing your dreams there, XD
