Saturday, May 25, 2013

Comic News!

Hello everyone,
I want to thank you all dearly for visiting my blog and checking out my work! It means a lot to me that there are people who like what I do.

Now let's move onto some news!

Some of you might know about my dream of creating a comic/graphic novel, or whatever you want to call it. The good news is that I do have a comic I'm brewing together and so far, it looks like it will go somewhere. I am currently in the early stages of writing and it will need a lot more work before I am ready to post anything more specific about characters and basic summary of the story. I also have a lot of drawing to do before I will be ready to create it in the style I want.

However, I wont leave you sitting there without actually knowing what I am writing so I'll let you all in on a treat!

  • The story will involve creatures of all kinds, some comedy, action, adventure and discovery. I still don't know if I will stick to that but for now this is how it looks.

I will strive to make this into a unique story and an interesting read, though I am still not sure how much of the story and in what way I should reveal things, since I don't want to give away my work nor spoil the story for everyone. So to start with I will be very reserved about giving out information regarding the comic but I wont leave you all in the dark so don't worry!

Thank you all very much for reading,
Malin R.


  1. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Malin :)

    Will it be digital or traditionally done for the final product?

    As long as it has flying cows then it will be awesome no matter what hehe

  2. Awesome! :D

    I don't really know yet, it would be cool to create it traditionally on really big papers and stuff. I personally would like to create it traditionally, since school is going to pick up soon and I may not have time to sit down and work on things digitally~

    Haha, we will see what happens, there may or may not be flying cows :D It will be crazy though, i promise you that! :3

  3. Awesome, the crazier the better hehe :)

    It would be fantastic to see more traditonal art speed videos in the future, your one video on youtube is really good.

    All very nice speed videos, your attention to your linework is crazy good, soooooooooo much patience and dedication to it. You are very good at photoshop from the videos I saw. Definitely work to master it :)

    Artists tend to be in two categories or both I have found, Line work or using paint/colour/shapes/lighting to build up art. Sadly I keep lines to a minimum for my work, I always use shape/colours to build up art. I really need to work on my line work, it takes so much work to do lol, I tip my hat to you, you have my respect for working in lines. Have a go at doing some characters without relying too much on linework in the future Malin and see how you like it, if you can get into both categories then you are off to a flying start and art will be much easier from that point onward.

    Will you be working with 3d in the future Malin? Will you use 3d programs for your engineering course? I mention this as 3d work would be fantastic for you to venture into in the future, makes you a better skilled artist as a whole. You would love 3d sculpting I am sure of it because of your passion for detail.

    Great talking to you so far Malin, very hard to find people to actually want to have a chat about art or random stuff really lol. I hope you stick around and keep persuing your art goals, always great to see.
