Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Anaya Revamp!

Some work in progress. Changing my Sona's appearance, I am now mixing a red wolf with a dragon. This will not be her finial changes, but with time I will tweak her into my liking.

Anyway, time for bed.
Enjoy everyone!

Malin R.


  1. Very nice details Malin, how long have you taken on it so far? Please do not say over 10 hours as I will probably pass out lol, you are one dedicated gal for sure with your art.

    Have you ever tried Illustrator or any vector work before?

    Nice simple layout you have as well, I am going to take a guess and say you are right handed?
    All my tools are on the left so you can probably guess what I am XD

    I look forward to seeing how your work progresses :)

  2. Thank you! I've been working on it on and off for probably about 2-3 hours, mostly since I'm redesigning at the same time so I've have taken many pauses and been distracted by other things. So I estimate that the total time I have been drawing is somewhere around there. I have really bad understanding of time so I really have no clue, but I am a pretty good guesser! :D

    No, i have never tried illustrator. I have never really worked with vectors at al before. I will have to though since I'm making a logo for my grandfathers company.

    I try to keep it simple, I wont to have as much space to draw as possible. I do want more space but I haven't figured out what works best for me yet. And Yes, I am indeed right handed! haha, yes I can! :D

    Wiihooo ~:D

  3. That is great to hear Malin, It will be awesome to see the colour work when you progress on it. That is one of the reasons I said about illustrator, since your style is very much line orientated I think you would love the clean nature of vector colouring and linework.

    You can do basic vectoring work in photoshop using the pen tool so have a look into it, it is a little tricky to do and understand because you have to use multiple tools in that category, pen / anchor and convert tools, but once it clicks it is an awesome thing to know. You could certainly practice that feature ready for illustrator, as the principles are pretty much the same in illustrator, but don't do much vector stuff in photoshop as it is not a vector program, only rough basics. It is a very different experience to inking in lines though, so you may hate doing it as it is a litlle boring, but the results are awesome if you know how to do it and on the right work as it will bring perfect curves and is immune to detail loss when you enlarge the picture to whatever size you want.

    The logo design will be a great excercise for you, I have done quite a few logos in illustrator and it does help to progress you as an artist. Graphic design basics should be known by every artist.

    We are complete opposites, you are right handed and on mac, me a lefty on windows XD
    It is so wierd to think about being right handed or left handed, I have no idea how we determine what hand we use and why, I will read up on it some time. Being ambidextrous would be awesome.

    1. Yeah, I do rely a lot on line work. Hm, vectoring would probably be fun, but I'm not sure I would be able to get all the details I like in there. I like clean lines but I also enjoy the personality they get without using the pen tool. And it's also very boring to work with and I only use it if I want lines to be super straight/clean. Thought I guess I could try combining pen tool and brush while I work. Would make it faster and easier to get my lineart done. I'm pretty sure it would shorten the time I spend on the lines and make it more effective.

      I will look into illustrator and get started with it. Once I do, I'll post some of the things I make here :D

      HAHAHAHA! Very different indeed. And yeah, its very interesting why its like that.

    2. Yeah have a good mess around in Illustrator, there is a feature which you can automatically turn an image into a vector linework, the results are not always great but sometimes it can produce amazing results saving hours of work or even as a good starting point to manipuallte the curves. If you send a lined piece of art into it and live trace it it should give decent results. Give it a try for sure and see if it can ever help you out with your art.

  4. Hey Malin one last thing lol, I do not know if you listen to Metal music, but I have to thank Sweden for creating some of the most awesome metal bands and creating the gothenburg genre of metal. Sweden and Finland must have something amazing in their water, because their metal is the best around. We have a few good metal bands in Wales, but my god Sweden and Finland literally must live and breath the stuff to produce so many awesome bands. A huge part of my youth and to this day is listening to art and metal. I love every genre of music, but metal and art is the ultimate motivation lol Awesome stuff.

    1. Heey, its all good!

      I used to listen to metal a lot when I was younger but now a days I only listen sometimes. But most of my teenage years I listened to Sonic Syndicate and Inflames. Metal is awesome, that much is true!
      Power to the swedish metal scene! :D

    2. I listened to a lot of in flames, dark tranquility, hammerfall etc growing up alongside many many other metal bands, definitely my favourite genre but I like to listen to everything from almost every genre now, I always go back to metal for a boost in energy and motiviation when I need it. Listening to Hammerfall a lot now lol cheesy good fun :)
