Monday, April 23, 2012

New Sketches!

Something new for you!

Just got this urge to get my ass back into drawing again, it's been so long since I last just let the pen go as it likes for once. So, I used THIS website to generate pictured with Canines and Felines to draw in different poses.
You can choose how long each picture should be up for before it changes to the next one, so I chose 2 minutes for each picture. Thought I did go back on a few just because I wanted to get some more details in there.

Sadly there weren't a lot of canine photos and it was the canines I looked forward to drawing the most. I'll just have to draw them until I see improvements.

I also gave the felines a shot and I was a little surprised with the outcome since all the other felines I've tried to draw failed miserably before lol.

Anyway, Enjouy my little sketch dump. 
(Klick the pictures to make them larger)

Thank you for reading this ridiculously long post and checking out the sketches, I hope you enjoyed them :)

They may not be that good now, but I plan on getting better in the future you see ;)

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