Sunday, April 22, 2012

First entry!

Welcome to my blog thing!

So I'll just introduce myself.

My name is Malin and I live in Sweden. During my free time I enjoy drawing, playing games, hanging out with people and training my dog Z.

 My dog

Here he is my little darling. 3 years old now.
 He and I are currently doing some agility and everyday obedience. I've also taught him a few tricks but most of them aren't anything special. I love working with him and it keeps me active. Him being my first dog and as confused as he is I concentrate on having fun with him instead of pushing him into anything complicated.

I would describe him as a fun loving dog with a big heart. He loves everyone big or small, no matter if its a human or a dog. Usually it's other people and dogs who don't like him. Sometimes he barks and growl when he sees people from the backyard or in the window, but the moment that happens he runs back to me or anyone else in the family with a low profile saying ''I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that''. I think he surprises himself every time he does bark or growls. Which is funny. Maybe he wants to be a big bad watch dog deep inside.
Which is impossible since he is a Labrador/Leonberger mix!
I love him to bits!


Drawing has always been my passion, and I will probably never stop having it as a hobby along with everything else I do. I could spend hours browsing the net for ideas, inspiration or drawing material. A year back I would go to an art store and spend a lot of cash on supplies for different techniques I'd read about online.

A portrait of my character Lord Sunclaw in his new design, which I constantly keep changing.
Mostly I draw a lot digital art and play around with traditional from time to time. I do wish to become a better artist but I lack the motivation and time when it comes to many of my projects and ideas. However in the future I will become the artist I've always wanted to become and be at the skill level I'm constantly working for.

Thank you for reading my first entry!

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