Friday, September 6, 2013


Hey everyone!

Thank you all for the patience, here is some finished art studies of the Arabian horse. Without a doubt one of my favorite horse breeds. They are amazing, and they really have something majestic about them.
I hope you enjoy them just as much as I did while drawing these beauties!

I thought I'd update something finished for once since I tend to only have WIP's here.
School has been taking my precious time as well as everyday life and the gym. I lift weights now, aw yeah! Going to get myself a lean mean looking body. Once some serious results start showing I'll be sure to post a picture, I want to brag about my achievements a little bit at least.

Comment if you have any questions~



  1. Hey Malin,

    Good stuff, nice sketches going on. You are very good at animal studies, so keep at it. I would love to see some human anatomy going on as well in the future.

    Also I would love to see you develop your own art logo or small signature to put on your future work, something discreet and wacky would be great :)

    What is the story behind the fish background on the blog? Please have an awesome background story haha as I was dissapointed there was no story for the cow and character XD

    1. Thank you, it was a lot more fun to sketch with a nice texture as background. Felt more real! I may get some human art up in the future, but I'm focusing on finishing my current work :)

      Ah, I've tried with the art logo, but I have a really hard time deciding where to place it. I do have my signature, but I forget it sometimes haha.

      No, there is no story. I go on impulses and almost never have a reason behind my creations or crazy ideas. I got an impulse and just thought: "Fishes in black and white that look odd and different, that would be so cool." So I spent time searching for fish tiles that I could use as the background, and there we have it! :)
