Monday, August 12, 2013


Hello everyone!

It has been way to long since I last posted something art related on here for you guys to enjoy.
I have been busy with my new life stage which involves owning an apartment, eating right, working out, taking care of my dog, cleaning the apartment, doing laundry and preparing for school that is kicking into gear on the 19th. So a lot is going on. It has been hard for me to sit down, relax and just draw. So today, I made the effort and felt that I had the energy to do just that. Draw.

Below I have 2 drawings to show you all.
I hope you enjoy them!

The drawing above is simply a dragon reading a book. The colors aren't balanced, or set in stone. So they are bound to change as I work on the piece and sleep on new ideas. I plan on painting it over a long period of time without stress and deadlines. Just something that I can work on however I want without pressure. I have yet to give it arms since I have no clue where to put em. One of those things I'll have to sleep on or figure out later, haha.

The character is nothing special, it's just a dragon basically. And the character will not be used in the future and the piece will simply be seen as portfolio work and possibly just general art work. No you may not use the character of claim it as your own. Everything on that drawing is mine so no stealing ;)

Don't hesitate to comment! Ask any questions.

This is my friends character Hiniku. I owe her so much art for making her wait this long for her commission to be finished. Hopefully she will be happy and satisfied in the end. I may even need to print this and send it to her to forgive myself for taking so long. I feel terrible!
But there isn't much I can do now, except finish it. Life has been busy and difficult taking many sudden turns so it has been hard to focus on the right things in the right order.

Anyway, I will be finishing the lineart this weekend most likely unless someone kidnaps me for whatever reason.


I hope you all enjoyed an update with some art.

I am thinking of offering some colored sketch requests from those of you who read my blog and take the time to look around. So please do comment if you think it's a fun idea and if you have any other crazy things I could do to entertain you guys with art. Maybe a theme? or a comic strip you guys come up with?

Spam me with ideas! I will be very happy!
If you don't want to comment, then sending me an e-mail is okay too.
Send your questions, ideas and other fun thoughts here:

Have a great - day, night, evening, morning etc.


  1. Hey Malin, great to see some more art going on. It is amazing how hectic life can get at a drop of a hat.

    An armless dragon you say? sounds like a story in the making, the endless possibilities you could do with that idea and also the hours saved from not having to draw arms, think about it XD

    What is your favourite theme / style by the way?
    I would love to see more quirky and funny characters like the chracter and cow. Perhaps emulate styles such as Pixar/anime/children's book illustrations etc.

    I'll try and do something quirky in the near future as well for a laugh as I would like to branch out a bit from learning realism.

    I would also love to see more loose based sketching from the usual perfected lines that you do, I am hoping you did not gasp at the thought lol, the messier the better. Since your schedule is probably very hectic, it would be cool to see very quick doodle sketches and thoughts into the doodles. Perhaps sketch for ideas and thoughts rather than final artistic pieces. It should help you out tremendously in your art.

    Keep at it :)

    1. Hey, thank you! I try!
      Yeah, life is busy, but thats a good thing!

      Haha, I might actually not draw arms at all. Who knows! No no, I already have enough stories at the moment. I need to focus on the ideas I have and try to develop them haha.

      I don't really have a favorite, well. I guess painting digitally is something that inspires me greatly. I have trouble drawing that way, so it's very inspiring when I see other artists paint.
      Makes me want to work for it even more. Yeah, I could do that. You mean like drawing your own version of an already existing character? Sounds like fun!

      Haha, I'll see if I can get some loose sketches up. Since I actually don't have much time to upload finished art everyday. I'm going to try to sit down and doodle some as often as I can.

      School kicks in soon so I will be very busy with studies. I want those grades!

      Thank you for taking time in commenting my updates. It makes me extremely happy every time!

    2. No problem Malin, it has been great fun chatting to you so far about art and stuff. I hope you continue doing art for a long time as a hobby, it is great seeing your determination going strong on it, and honestly when it comes to art it is simply to keep at it. I struggle a lot doing art as a hobby as well as other things like studying, but I refuse to ever give up.

      Thanks for the comments and replies as well
