Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pony Art~

Hey you all!

Finished a random gift thing for a friend to clear my head off of my current drawing, so here is a drawing of Shock Storm.



  1. Great to see more art Malin, cool stuff. I am going to have to practice my linework one of these days, yours is so clean. The springs on the hoofs is a great idea, also the colour/line work is very nice. Well done.

    I am going to bust out some vector stuff in the future trying to do some different styles and better my linework, it would be cool if you would join in on illustrator battles in the future :D

    1. Thank you! I try to finish somethings, but it's hard since I'm in the middle of moving into my apartment. But once I'm done painting and putting everything in the right spots I will be able to sit down and draw some more.

      I can also take some photos of my workspace and on the design/decoration of the place. I mean it is very art related and it might inspire someone :D Who knows!

      I would love to try making some vector stuff in illustrator, but I may have to finish some of the other art I have waiting in line to be drawn.

      Some things I may have to let go of, since I really want to start focusing more on my comic and the actual story and characters. School and living alone with a dog is going to be difficult in the beginning so computer time and drawing time may have to be a bit limited before I get the hang of things. Starting 3 new courses in August; Biologi, Mathematics and advanced english. Going to go crazy with the damn Math OTL
      But hey, there will be time! :D

      Gosh, moving out and trying to figure out how to solve things in the best way sure is tiering! Fun but soooo exhausting!

    2. All the best with the move Malin, sounds very exciting :) Definitely post your workspace when you finish, it would be really cool to see how you decorate it and personalise it.

      Yeah maths is tricky, I am getting back into it now trying to do accounting, very tough stuff. You will get through anything if you have the right positive mindset and determination, so keep at it. Chemistry was my worst, I honestly was close to crying during the exam lol. I hated chemistry so much, but it was mostly because of the teacher. I feel that any subject is awesome if you have the right environment and teacher.

      I would go nuts without art to balance things out from the stress of everything :)

      You should paint your comic on the walls XD

      Definitely post up art when you can, always great to see random art stuff :)
      I will be plodding along on my blog for quite a long time trying to improve, so if you want to join in on stuff just let me know.
