Saturday, May 25, 2013

Comic News!

Hello everyone,
I want to thank you all dearly for visiting my blog and checking out my work! It means a lot to me that there are people who like what I do.

Now let's move onto some news!

Some of you might know about my dream of creating a comic/graphic novel, or whatever you want to call it. The good news is that I do have a comic I'm brewing together and so far, it looks like it will go somewhere. I am currently in the early stages of writing and it will need a lot more work before I am ready to post anything more specific about characters and basic summary of the story. I also have a lot of drawing to do before I will be ready to create it in the style I want.

However, I wont leave you sitting there without actually knowing what I am writing so I'll let you all in on a treat!

  • The story will involve creatures of all kinds, some comedy, action, adventure and discovery. I still don't know if I will stick to that but for now this is how it looks.

I will strive to make this into a unique story and an interesting read, though I am still not sure how much of the story and in what way I should reveal things, since I don't want to give away my work nor spoil the story for everyone. So to start with I will be very reserved about giving out information regarding the comic but I wont leave you all in the dark so don't worry!

Thank you all very much for reading,
Malin R.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Commission WIP

Working on a way overdue commission for a friend of mine. Her wolf character in her demon form, will make her look real mean once I start painting. I'm going to be recording this and uploading it to youtube, so stay tuned!

/Malin R.

Anaya Revamp WIP #2

Another progress picture of my work.

I am still working on her appearance so I am yet to add color to this piece. This drawing is loads of fun and I like the way she looks right now. It was a good idea to give her a new design, just to make her look fresh and new. Today I will most likely pause on this and start it again this weekend, I have a commission that needs finishing so I will be posting progress of said commission instead!

Going to try another technique when coloring so stay tuned!


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Anaya Revamp!

Some work in progress. Changing my Sona's appearance, I am now mixing a red wolf with a dragon. This will not be her finial changes, but with time I will tweak her into my liking.

Anyway, time for bed.
Enjoy everyone!

Malin R.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


This time it's going to be a text entry I write. It was never my plan to actually type anything on this blog, but I thought using two separate blogs would be a hassle. I barely keep things up to date anyway so why not make it easier for me.

The entry I am going to write now will be personal and packed with thoughts and other things trapped inside my head. So it might not be that entertaining for some of you. And of course there is nothing wrong with curiosity. Just wanted to be fair and let you know, so that you don't waste time reading this instead of doing more important things.

For the moment I don't have a lot of school work to do really, since my new courses start again in August. So during the day I don't have a lot to do, and I usually just sit around, walk my dog or draw. Sometimes, I find it really difficult to find joy in my everyday activities and I end up just thinking about things. Stuck inside my own head. Trying to figure things out.

There are times when I am so bored out of my mind that I will consider quitting something I really like doing. Just recently I was thinking of quitting art, throwing away all of my artistic possessions and do something meaningful and new. From a realistic point of view I would never be able to quit art. Quitting art would be like killing part of my personality and personal identity, as well as my way of expressing myself. I think I am a zombie now since I walk around and do nothing for the most part. Imagine how much worse it would get if I couldn't draw. Even I don't want to imagine that.

For those of you who don't know I happen to have an unhealthy obsession with books. I love books and I want to read everything. I also want to own them all. One of my dreams is to have a big personal library with 2-3 levels with just books. Books everywhere. I love libraries for that reason. Being surrounded by knowledge. The downside sadly is that I am very impatient, so reading is for me very difficult most of the time. I am super easy to distract and I am a master at distracting myself. And trust me it doesn't matter if the book is so good that I want to read it until I pass out.

I used to be able to sit down and read for quite a few hours when I was younger. But with the years things have gotten so stressful and it feels like there is hardly anytime to sit down and just relax. Enjoy things, and do nothing with a positive feeling. Instead of feeling useless, guilty and boring.

Most of the time I feel like I have to become something tomorrow and that I have to have everything set. That I have to know exactly where my next step will be. This feeling creates such enormous stress and anxiety. It's just a plain mentally exhausting feeling and thought.

Recently I wrote an essay about the romantic era. And I can't help but dream about how it would be. Sadly I would have to dream of myself as a male since women had little rights back then. A handsome academic, wouldn't that be nice. I would totally be one of the pretty boys. Right?(insert very flirty smiley here).

That is all I have to write for now. I could go on for much longer, but I will save that for another post. And save you all the trouble in the process.

Maybe I'll make a video log next time, if I dare.

Thank you for reading, now I am heading to bed.
/Malin Regebro

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fly doodle

Was working on a drawing when a fly suddenly decided to fly into my face several times, before sitting down on my paper. Got mad at it and sent it flying with a skillful backhand slap, no idea if it still lives. None the less, it won't bother me anymore right now. His brothers will come for me in the morning, haha.

So here have a doodle of said fly.

Thank you for stopping by, now I'm off to bed!
/Malin Regebro

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Daily Art Exercise (D.A.E)

Finally finished a D.A.E for the tumblr group im part of.

We got a fixed set of colors and a theme, if you didn't want to you could do whatever you wanted.

Tumblr post on the exercise.

I decided to make a secondary palette so that I could use more hues when painting. Since the ones given where a bit monotone.


Art for a friend~

Finished this for a friend of mine who was feeling down, this is supposed to be a quick sketch but I find it really hard to draw things in a quick matter of time.

Turns out it still ended up being a 5 hour work process. I need to learn how to let go of my drawings and let them be sketches or quick things. Since I tend to weigh myself down with to many projects when I'm supposed to only focus on one.

Anyway, enjoy!

Friday, May 10, 2013


Some work in progress for a tumblr group I'm part of.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Some work in progress for you!

Hey guys!

I am so bad at being active its scary. Let's leave the excuses for another time, today I have some drawings I am either working on or whatevs~

Also, if you have any questions or want to know more about the equipment I use for my art let me know! You can either comment here or send me an email.


I hope you all enjoy :)